My name is Megan Koepsell, and I am the owner of Akasha Mind-Body Wellness, a holistic wellness practice in the Highlands Ranch area. I am a registered nurse with a passion for holistic health and teaching self-care to enhance quality of life. I hold double degrees in nursing and psychology from Regis University in Denver, CO. I am also a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner through Healing Touch Program and a 3rd Degree Reiki Practitioner. I received certification in Mind-Body Medicine and a certificate in Holistic Nursing. I am also the author of, "Listening to the Voices of Our Ancestors: A Practical Manual for Developing Your Intuitive Genealogical Abilities," available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and from most major book sellers.
Prior to my career as a holistic nurse, I worked as a nurse in cardiac care, public health and corporate wellness. I completed my two-year training in Mind-Body Medicine Skills through The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Washington, DC. My certificate in Holistic Nursing was completed through Red Rocks Community College in Arvada, CO.
People ask me how I got into Healing Touch, which is a form of energy therapy that helps to balance and restore the energy system and chakras. I always say that Healing Touch found me. I had never heard of it prior to 2013 when in the period of a week or two, I suddenly had several people randomly asking me if I had ever thought about becoming a Healing Touch Practitioner. When synchronistic things like that happen to me, I take notice since I believe it is the Universe's way of catching my attention. I signed up for a class and fell in love with the ideas and concept of Healing Touch, knowing immediately that I wanted to take all five levels of Healing Touch. After 2 1/2 years of classes and apprenticeship, I become a Healing Touch Certified Practioner in March of 2016.
I feel that Reiki and Mind-Body Medicine found me in similar ways. The Universe caught my attention with them and I followed its lead, making my life ever more fulfilling and rewarding. I am a strong believer in energy therapy and helping people find the tools within themselves to heal body, mind, and spirit.
Just as all of these healing modalities found me, my business name Akasha Mind-Body Wellness found me as well in a very profound way. My intention originally was to find a Celtic equivalent name for namaste. While searching, I stumbled across the name Akasha, which I again had never heard before, and it caught my attention. I loved the variety of meanings to it, (which are listed on my home page) so I decided to use the name for my business. Several weeks later during a Hara Alignment Meditation, I had a very powerful vision that my purpose in this lifetime was to help people awaken their consciousness and to remember their own life purpose in this lifetime. The very next day I felt called to open a new deck of Doreen Virtue Angel Cards I had purchased. Not having a lot of time, I decided to shuffle the deck and set my intention that I choose one card that would have meaning to me and a message for me in helping me fulfill my life purpose of helping others discover their own life purpose through Healing Touch. I chose one card from the deck, turned it over, and saw on top of the card was a beautiful angel named Akasha. Her message to me was, "You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine Life Mission."
I look forward to working with you to reduce your feelings of stress and to bring enhanced health and balance into your life. I especially look forward to helping you to reawaken that spark of connectivity within us all and to help you remember your life purpose in this lifetime. You can contact me through the Contact tab, at [email protected] or 303-906-4536 to schedule a Healing Touch session, to learn meditation techniques, or to participate in a Mind-Body Medicine small group. Any or all of these may also be scheduled for your workplace. Namaste.
References links:
The Benefits of Meditation
The Science of Meditation
Mind-Body Medicine in Chronic Heart Failure
Mind-Body Interventions
Mind-Body Genomics